Invest in AGI
The Africa Global Initiative (AGI) at Northeastern is vital to connecting Northeastern University and African countries, promoting cultural understanding, and fortifying academic excellence. By bolstering ties with Africa’s premier institutions, the AGI paves the way for diverse learning experiences, co-ops, and internships.
By supporting the AGI, you’re investing in the future leaders, ensuring they gain invaluable global perspectives and tools for change. This symbiotic relationship between Northeastern University and partners in African countries enriches Northeastern’s community and contributes to Africa’s educational and research landscape, helping to create unity across the globe.

The Africa Global Initiative Fund
The AGI fund helps empower ties to African countries, boost student exchange, fund scholarships, and nurture collaborative research at Northeastern.

The Chanrai Family Graduate Scholarship
The Chanrai Family Graduate Scholarship provides support for academically outstanding and financially needy students from Ghana.

Explore more giving opportunities
There are many areas to support Northeastern’s global network. Explore more ways to make your philanthropic impact.